Duke of Edinburgh

Lady Hawkins’ School


Duke of Edinburgh Award

The school is proud to be a Directly Licensed Centre for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. This means we are nationally recognised and approved to organise, assess and present awards from start to finish as an official operating authority.

We offer students the chance to participate at Bronze, Silver and Gold award level. Completing any stage of the award is held in high esteem by prospective employers, colleges and universities.

Bronze and Silver awards are presented at local or regional ceremonies, but Gold Award holders are invited to a ceremony at St James Palace, or sometimes Buckingham Palace, to be presented with the prestigious award that they have worked hard to achieve.

Year 10 students have the opportunity to start the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at Bronze Level and if successful to continue onto Silver in Year 11 and ultimately Gold in the Sixth Form.

Attending normal school clubs and practices is a good way to make real progress towards achieving your award.

At Bronze level participants benefit from given support by adult helpers, but as they progress through Silver to Gold students should become increasingly responsible for organising their own award programme with the guidance of adults.

Sixth formers who chose not to participate at Bronze or Silver can start on the Gold Award.

There are four sections which must be completed for every award;

 Volunteering

 Skill

 Physical

 Expedition

Gold Award involves an extra section:

 Residential
