Our Curriculum

Lady Hawkins’ School
Science & Maths Faculty

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Communications Faculty

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Humanities Faculty

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Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHE)

Physical Education (PE)

Religious Education (RE)

Technology Faculty

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Computer Science

Design & Technology

Food & Nutrition


Learn More About Our Curriculum

We want our students to have experiences and opportunities that they enjoy, are life-affirming, relevant and useful. LHS students should leave us well prepared for further study or employment in the 21st Century Global marketplace. British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, underpin our curriculum, teaching and community.

Our school curriculum is divided into 60 periods over a two-week timetable. The tables below show how many periods are dedicated to each subject area.


Our curriculum at KS3 prepares students for study in Years 10 & 11 and our KS4 provision opens doors for students into Sixth Form Colleges or employment with training. All years have time built in to work with their Tutor. They follow a full programme of Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education via Tutors, assemblies, subjects and via visitors. We also have an independent Careers Advisor who works with students. This rich provision allows students to follow their interests, pursue areas via deep learning if they wish or develop a broad portfolio of skills. Enrichment activities are a key part of our curriculum, to help develop the “whole person”.

Option Subjects

Students in Key Stage 4 can opt for 3/4 GCSE and/or Vocational options. These subject include; Triple Science, History, Geography, Food and Nutrition, Design Technology, Computer Science, German, Physical Education, Art, Music, Drama, BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise and BTEC Vocational Studies.

Our curriculum at KS3 prepares students for study in Years 10 & 11 and our KS4 provision opens doors for students into Sixth Form Colleges or employment with training. All years have time built in to work with their Tutor. They follow a full programme of Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education via Tutors, assemblies, subjects and via visitors. We also have an independent Careers Advisor who works with students. This rich provision allows students to follow their interests, pursue areas via deep learning if they wish or develop a broad portfolio of skills. Enrichment activities are a key part of our curriculum, to help develop the “whole person”.

We believe we prepare the adults of tomorrow for the world of work and for life beyond the formal classroom

Click here to find out more about the National Curriculum