The Legacy Of War

The Legacy Of War

All of the interviewees felt that their experiences of the war should be shared – that’s why they were happy to be interviewed. Some continue to be in contact with the men they fought with, and some continue to work with veterans associations today. All knew many men,...
The Legacy Of War


There were opportunities for rest and relaxation during the War, and as well letter writing to family at home and chatting with fellow servicemen, the interviewees also managed to enjoy themselves in often difficult...
The Legacy Of War

Life In The Forces

The interviews reveal a lot of information about the day to day life in the forces during the Second World War. What food people ate, what clothes were worn, and practical information about life on the...
The Legacy Of War

Dennis Wood

Dennis Wood was born in 1924, and until his 15th birthday was educated as a scholarship pupil at the Walsall Grammar School. When the War began, he left school to work in the factories, first in an aeroplane parts factory in Birmingham, and then making transmissions...