Lady Hawkins’ School
Employers & Businesses
We are extremely keen to involve as many local businesses and enterprises as possible in our careers provision at LHS. If you would like to give a talk or presentation to students, then we would be more than happy to hear from you. Please email your details to and one of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Careers Calendar
Wed 20th March
Yr 10 Vocational group – talking through post 16 options
Wed 10th April
Year 10 prep for the careers speed dating event on the 18th
9.50am -10.40am in the Hall, during PHSE
Interactive session
Thurs 18th April
What’s your job? – Careers Speed Dating event for Year 10’s
9.30am – 11am
We have 15/16 organisations coming in and the Yr 10’s will ask them questions about their job e.g. skills needed, qualifications, working environment, pathways and more.
The organisations are:
The Army
Ducketts Accountancy
Hereford and Worcester Fire Service
Bryngwyn Riding
Harrison Clark Rickby Solicitors
Haygrove Engineering (an ex student – Ben Grobb)
West Mercia Police
TAG Amos
Herefordshire Council
Herefordshire College
Oakwrights – TBC
Wed 24th April
Aspirational day at Gloucestershire University for Year 10’s – A taster of Higher Education.
1st May onwards – Year 10’s first 1:1 session. Schedules will be put out nearer the time.
All students are welcome to pop in to discuss any queries; college application, interviews, work exp etc.
At LHS we believe that in tandem with an academic education all students should receive information, advice and guidance to maximise their learning once they progress into the world of work. We hope that our Careers Programme will provide students with the opportunity to plan and manage their careers effectively, ensuring progression which is ambitious and aspirational. It intends to equip students with skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding as a foundation for managing their lifelong career and learning. It promotes equality of opportunity, celebrates diversity and challenges stereotypes.
The objectives of the Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) at LHS are:
- To ensure that all students at the school receive a stable careers programme
- To enable all students to learn from information provided by the career and labour market
- The CEIAG programme should be individual and address the needs of each student
- To link the curriculum learning to careers learning
- To provide students with a series of encounters with employers and employees
- To provide students with experiences of workplace(s)
- To ensure that students have a series of encounters with further and higher education
- To provide each student with the opportunity to receive personal guidance
LHS is committed to providing all students with a stable careers programme from years 7-11. As part of the PSHE curriculum we provide career-related lessons, activities where local businesses help to provide a realistic experience such as mock interviews, college and apprenticeship events and trips related to various career topics. The full CEIAG policy can be found here.
Careers Contacts
Interim Headteacher & SLT Lead for Careers – Mr A Brace
Independent Careers Advisor – Mrs L Stevens