Special Educational Needs

Lady Hawkins’ School

Members of the SEND Team

Miss H Farrington – SENDCo

Mrs E Bowen – Higher Level Teaching Assistant & Librarian

Mrs T |Cutler – Teaching Assistant

Mrs E Mosler – Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs J Richardson – Teaching Assistant

Miss K Shaw – Vocational Tutor

Mrs K Simcock – Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Miss A Veary – Teaching Assistant


Special Educational Needs

SENDCo Miss H Farrington – hfarrington@lhs.hereford.sch.uk

As SENDCo I oversee all the arrangements for students with additional learning needs.  From testing to providing support and interventions we offer individually tailored support to students and families wherever possible.

Transition to LHS

  • A planned introduction programme is delivered in the to support the transfer for pupils starting school in September.
  • Parent/carers are invited to a meeting at the school and are provided with a range of information to support them in enabling their child to settle into the school routine.
  • The SENDCo meets with all new parents of pupils who are known to have SEND to allow concerns to be raised and solutions to any perceived challenges to be located prior to entry.
  • If pupils are transferring from another setting, the previous school records will be requested immediately and a meeting set up with parents to identify and reduce any concerns.

Transition Beyond LHS

  • All pupils have access to the school careers advisor and careers lessons, both of which will provide information on training options, including apprenticeships and other vocational pathways.
  • Parents may like to use the website of the National Careers Service that offers information and professional advice about education, training and work to people of all ages. https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk or examine options identified in the local offer published by the local authority which sets out details of SEN provision – including the full range of post-16 options – and support available to children and young people with SEN and disabilities to help them prepare for adulthood, including getting a job.
  • Where a student has an EHCP, all reviews of that Plan from Year 9 at the latest, and onwards, will include a focus on preparing for adulthood, including employment, independent living and participation in society.