News & Events
Lady Hawkins’ School
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Sports Day Winners
It was a beautiful day for Sports Day. Students took part in many different track and field events, gaining points for their house. The points were all added up and the winners this year were… ARROW
Mr Jennings presented the winning house with the Intersports Shield which has been here at LHS since 1923. Well done to all those students who took part, every point counted!

ESCA Girls’ U13 Cricket Finals
The girls had a fantastic day. They beat Cathedral ‘B’ with some excellent batting and bowling performances. The winners were to be decided in the final game between Cathedral ‘A’ and LHS. We bowled and fielded brilliantly to limit Cathedral to 59 in their 10 overs. LHS girls then were well up with the run rate but were losing wickets, mainly to run-outs. It looked like the game was going to the line when our final pair were also run out meaning that the girls finished on 50 – just 10 runs short of victory and they had 10 balls left! Game could have gone either way. Herefordshire Runners-Up medals this year and the girls will learn from this experience to return even better next year!

U13 Girls Cricket Regional Finals
Our u13 girls cricket team represented Herefordshire at Edgbaston Cricket Ground for the West Midlands regional finals, coming 6th place overall, beating counties such as Gloucestershire and Nottinghamshire. An amazing achievement for Mr Dinsdale and the team, up against some tough competition, many private schools with professional coaches.

Inter-house Maths & Gardening
In addition to the sports an inter-house maths competition was held. All teams earning housepoints for their houses. Several students not involved in the competitions took the opportunity for a spot of gardening on such a beautiful day.

World Book Day 2019
Great to see so many students dressed up as book characters!

Red Nose Day 2019
Noses are for sale from the school office for £1.25. It will also be non-uniform day on Friday for a £1 donation.

Fairtrade Cake Sale 8th March
Thanks to all those Year 7 students and their families for helping raise £103 with a cake sale at lunchtime. This money will be going towards improving farmers and farm workers lives across the globe.

Race For Life Event
Once again we held a Race for Life event on our school Sports Day. All students and many staff raced, jogged or strolled around the field, gaining sponsorship from friends and family.
Thanks to all those who have helped raise money for such a good cause.

Surprise Visit from Ellie Goulding
Students were very surprised to have Ellie Goulding walk into one of their lessons! She spoke with Year 11 students about exam stress and coping strategies. She also surprised a whole school assembly and talked about her time here at LHS. Students were then able to get autographs and photos with Ellie.
Ellie had a tour of the school, reminiscing about old times and seeing how the school has changed since her time here.

Inter-sports Challenges
What a beautiful day for our inter-house sports on the last day of the spring term. Football and rounders competitions across the year groups, all gaining housepoints for their houses.

PSHE Day – Monday 18th March
Great PSHE day today. Lots of activities going on around the school. Year 9’s learnt all about politics, ending the day by presenting their manifestos to the Year 7 students who then had the chance to vote. Well done to the winners – The Arrow Party!

Costume Winners – World Book Day 2019
It was tough to decide on winners with so many great costumes!

British Science Week 2019
What a great start to British Science week, a visit from the animal man. Even Mr Jennings got up close to a selection of the creatures on show. Students were enthralled by the hugs array of animals they were able to handle during the animal man’s talk. Students learnt about the importance of all the animals in their ecosystems, from the smallest to the tallest.

LHS Girls County Champions
Our Year 7 & 8 Girls cricket team are now County Champions!! Off to Edgbaston next!! Well done girls!!
Upcoming Events
July 2022 Year 7 & 8 Residential to St Davids
December 2022 Ski Trip to Austria